Camp in Tyler was at the Danebod School, a Danish Lutheran church complex from the mid 1800s. Tyler had become the main Danish Enclave in Minnesota and the area had quite a history. Even the church ground had quite a history. The Local pastor came over and gave us a tour of the buildings and took us inside.
The buildings were beautiful. They had wonderful museum on the history of the Folk School and even had some of the original tool that built the buildings. This molding block plane was really fascinating to me.
One of the most impressive things we learned was that this church was moved.
At one point this church was built as an East wall church. For reasons that I now forget, it was decided that the church needed to be rotated 90 degrees. The church went to architects in Minneapolis and Chicago who all declined the liabilitiy of moving such a building. Seeing the church’ s interior here, I would have made the same decision the architects did.
The elders however returned in a quandry and put the question of what to do, up to the congregation. Beigna farming community, about 12 good old Danish Lutheran farmers said they woudl do it, but it would take a few weeks or have to wait until they had a the time in the their farminig schedule. But as farmers are known for creative solutions, they jacked and lifted the church. Dug out a new basment and set a foundation, spun and repositioned the church just as they said they would have and in only a few weeks time all back during the 1800s.
One again amazed by the ingenuity of farmers, I tip my hat to them for a job well done.
We ended the cool afternoon with great tent sites that felt like our own private forest.
A wonderful dinner and sperading our Pirate thursday and practical joking to the Classical bust sculpture in the DaneBod School. Every Napolean needs and eye patch don’t you think? (The pirate hat was already there. WE just added the eye patch.)
It was a good Pirate Thursday.
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